Just the beginning

“beginnings are usually scary, and endings are usually sad, but its everything in between that makes it all worth living.” ― Bob Marley In November I started #AfricaEd with inspiration and help from some newly found friends on Twitter.  I had no idea what would happen.  I had a lot of questions. Would anyone joinContinue reading “Just the beginning”

Taking on the #GlobalEd #TwitteratiChallenge

Its been a whirlwind of a year for me. I took on a new “part-time” role as a Tech coach during one free prep period, in November started and ran #AfricaEd chat twice a week, started COETAIL, managed to get invited to present at Learning 2 Africa and began planning an EdCamp for next September here inContinue reading “Taking on the #GlobalEd #TwitteratiChallenge”

Positive Vibration

Looking at the Responsible Use Agreement (RUA) from a couple of schools was interesting. Its something I had gone over with my students two years in a row, but I honestly had not thought much about it.  It always fell into part of the “we have to do this to start the year” pile of documentsContinue reading “Positive Vibration”

Running down a dream

When students are given the freedom, they flourish and most of the time, challenge themselves.  I truly believe that much of student performance is based on our expectations and the tone that is set for our classrooms and schools. If we are encouraging, open and allow students to explore anything is possible. I’ve had soContinue reading “Running down a dream”